Handmade Wedding Dress: Part 5 - Putting the Corslette + Skirt Together (Final Adjustments)

Handmade Wedding Dress: Part 5 - Putting the Corslette + Skirt Together (Final Adjustments)

This is the moment everything for my dress began really coming together and I found myself getting excited for it. Prior to sewing up an entire toile (granted, I didn’t actually sew everything together, more like precariously pinned it to myself), I had only envisioned my dress in my mind. It wasn’t yet a real thing, just a concept that may or may not come to fruition. However, I knew I needed to sew up a toile to make certain this was the direction I wanted to go in. 

I wound up using my final corslette toile + skirt toile since both fit me pretty spot on. All I needed to do was create an over bodice for the corslette. I wanted to see if I could squeeze the pieces from the scraps left over from cutting out my skirt


  1. Because it would then match and feel like a real dress,
  2. It would be made in nearly the same fabric as my final dress giving me a better idea of what that would look like,
  3. The fabric weight would inform me if it was going to be too light and show the structured corslette bits through the top, and
  4. I planned to cut my final bodice layers from the scraps of my final skirt and I needed to know if that would be possible (super important because, if you have been following me on IG, you will know that I ran out of skirt material!)

I am happy to report that I managed to eeek out the bodice from the scrap bits of fabric I had left over from cutting the skirt toile. Yay!

I wound up not sewing the top and bottom bits together for a few reasons. The main reason was because I hadn’t cut the skirt toile along the actual waistline, so it required me being in the skirt to have it placed in the right spot (right under the bust). I just found the entire thing much easier to pin together instead of trying to sew it. Plus, it gave me more freedom to adjust things if I saw anything was off. 


Y’all… I nearly had my moment the first time I saw myself in this mock up dress. Even in this super rough state with pins jutting out every which way, fabric folded in on itself, and not a single closure in sight, I could tell that this dress was going to be perfect. 

Everything about it flowed and it felt so comfortable on, which were basically the only two criteria I needed to check off for this dress. I loved how the skirt moved with me as I walked, how easy it was to sit down, stand up, attempt a backflip (jk, those are terrifying!)...

and I could fully imagine enjoying all the time I was going to spend in this dress without getting uncomfortable or too overheated. 

After spending some time twirling around in my dress, I took one last long look at everything and made notes on my final adjustments, of which there was only one: Add a wide gusset panel to the Center Back skirt for added drama! That’s it - all I wanted to alter was adding a bit more fullness to the back skirt without compromising the shape in the front. 

With that, my dress felt like it was actually becoming a reality! Things were moving forward and I was gaining confidence to tackle all the things that had left me scared at the start of this project. So, I hope you are as excited as I am for Part 6: The Real Deal!
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Hi Giulia!If I could have pockets, I totally would add them! However, since this skirt is so form fitted, pockets would show right right through! So I am opting to not have pockets and to keep my phone tucked away in our house the entire day. I don’t think I will have any need for it!

Brittani (Pattern Maker)

Hi Franzi!
You are so kind! I did feel rather tall in this dress which is good because I don;t plan on wearing heels! Heels + mud don’t really mix, haha!

Brittani (Pattern Maker)

Now I really need to make a dress with that paneled combo. It is really something. Do you plan pockets? ;)


Wow, you look so tall in this dress. Like the models who have legs to nowhere.
Great work. Thanks for sharing.


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