The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

I'm not going to lie . . . I read this book over a year ago and failed to write much about it until today - Yikes! But even though it has taken me a year to put my thoughts into words, the feelings I had while reading this novel has stayed with me as potently as they did then, which to me is the mark of a truly great read. 

Synopsis: Victoria has just turned 18 and has officially aged out of the foster care system. She has no prospects or any true desire to work, let alone think about her future. All she wants to do is to be among the flowers and plants of her youth, for within them lies hidden meanings that only she seems to know. That is, until she meets a stranger that seems to understand just what her floral messages are conveying. Soon after she is confronted with a secret from her past that is too painful for her to confront, jeopardizing all that she has managed to create.

“Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else.”

My Thoughts: This book really snuck up on me! I was completely intrigued by the concept behind the different meanings of flowers, but quickly found myself coming back more and more often to follow Victoria’s story. The author created the most beautiful slow build, moving between different timelines where she allowed the mystery of Victoria’s past to unfold while explaining her actions within the present. By the end, I felt a deep and personal connection to Victoria and her inner dialogue. More than a few tears were shed, hidden meaning within the flowers uncovered, and I was so moved by this book that I immediately lent it to a fellow book-obsessed friend for her to share in the story. 10/10 would recommend!

PS: The back of the book comes with a list of flowers along with all their potential meanings. I absolutely adored pouring over each and every one of them. 

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