Midnight Edition Fabric Shears (9" + 10") VS Prism Edition Fabric Shears (9.5")
I figured I'd attempt to rip the band-aid off fast and early when choosing between my three shears. I love them each so so much, but if I am being honest with myself, I do tend to reach for one pair time and time again simply because they make me happy.
There is nothing inherently different between my Prism shears and my Midnight shears. They all cut really well, are easy to handle, and I love the weight of the 10" shears a lot. They feel great in my hands and can cut through large swatches of projects in the blink of an eye!
Plus, they all cut more or less the same, even though I have had my Midnight shears a heck of a lot longer than the Prisms, and *shamefully* I have yet to have any of them sharpened. Read that again: I haven't sharpened any of my shears in years and they STILL cut like new. Isn't that incredible?
So for this round in particular, aesthetics have won out. But who knows -- in a few weeks time, I may be back to reaching for my Midnight shears more often as they are sexy and sleek in their own way.
Curved Handle VS Straight Handle Rotary Cutter
I will admit that I have quite a fear of using rotary cutters on the regular. I blame the fact that I cut myself pretty badly with one when I was younger as to what instilled such a large fear in my heart. Thankfully, that fear has subsided over time along with many many hours of safely cutting out projects.
I have always preferred using a rotary cutter on super slinky fabrics such as silk and rayon as well as finicky knits and of course for getting straight lines on my newest hobby: cutting out quilt squares. And what makes a rotary cutter truly amazing are its blade, of which LDH far surpasses any other brands blades I have ever ever utilized.
For the longest time, I thought that rotary blades simply wore down after two to three uses. and then I saw the Carbon Steel blades in action at a convention I worked with LDH at the start of 2020 and my mind was simply blown. Not only at how many times the blades were used without growing dull, but also at how many layers of fabric they could get through in one go. It was breathtaking!
Back to the debate, though.
My choice is very simple for this one. Hands down, I prefer the straight handle Rotary Cutter. I love how the little plastic head surrounding the blade is able to be positioned to the left, right, or center which comes in handy depending on how I might be positioned in relation to my project.
I also found that I just could never quite figure out how to change the blade properly for the Curved handle version, which rendered them difficult to use after the first blade change. Whereas I never had that issue with the Straight handle rotary cutter. I've successfully changed it's blade multiple times and it rolls like a dream through all my projects!
Midnight Edition VS Prism Edition Snips
Let's call this one a tie, as I use both of my snips often, and I love them equally.
I love how they fit in my hands and how the little ring is so snug against my index finger. I love how beautiful they both are, one in its dark and mysterious way ad the other in full color, shining light and rainbows everywhere!
And I love that I have two, which means that both are always within reach, whether that be in my actual studio clipping thread as I furiously stitch up a new garment or next to my bedside as I clip yarns while knitting a pair of socks.
Plus, both are so super sharp that when I am feeling too lazy to reach for my shears, I can easily snip through a small section of whatever I am working on with ease.
Midnight Edition VS Prism Edition Pinking Shears
Can I have two ties in a row? Yes? No? It's my review and I can do what I want?
I've seriously been waffling this entire time in an attempt to choose which of these two Pinking Shears I prefer, and I simply cannot decide. They are both perfection.
If you read my first review of these pinking shears from two years ago, you'll know that I was hesitant to try them out at all. I had been burned in the past by pinking shears. They always seemed to tear up my knuckles, wear out my wrists, and cut through my fabric super shoddily. Which is of course disappointing, especially when I enjoy employing pinked edges on many of my garments in lieu of serged edges. What can I say, I simply love the vintage feel of pinked seams.
That's why I was so delightfully surprised when I tried out LDH's pinking shears and they... actually cut through fabric! With a satisfying sound! And my hands felt great using them to boot!
So yea... I can't choose a favorite of these either. They are both too good and have really heightened my sewing experience for the better.
1 comment
I just purchased the 10 inch shears in midnight and the snips during a recent sale. The snips are wonderful for cutting yarn when I knit. I have not tried the shears yet, I need to get my sewing mojo back. This was such a great recommendation!