I am so happy to be able to present to you a diverse tester round up for the Fleur Pinafore! This was my largest testing pool yet as I didn't have the heart to say no to anyone who applied this go-round. And I am SO glad that I didn't because every pinafore is incredible and the group we had was so much fun to interact with on a daily basis!
I know I have said this before -- but I feel I could never say it enough -- that my testers are all so incredible and talented and thoughtful and they are really what has helped me to make this pattern the BEST possible version it could be! I hope you enjoy their renditions as much as I do! :)

B/W/H: 88 cm / 70 cm/ 100 cm
1.67 M Tall
Made a straight Size 5
Alterations: Shortened straps 10 cm + Shortened skirt 2 cm
Fabric: Lightweight Wool

B/W/H: 29" / 25"/ 34"
Made a straight Size 2
Alterations: None
Fabric: Cotton & Steel Rifle Paper Co. Quilting Cotton

B/W/H: 84 cm / 67 cm/ 89 cm
Made a straight Size 3
Alterations: Lined the Skirt
Fabric: Black & White Striped cotton chiffon + white pongee lining

B/W/H: 35" / 30"/ 37"
Made a straight Size 6
Alterations: Put buttons to inside of straps
Fabric: Mid-weight cotton

B/W/H: 33" / 27"/ 37"
Height: 5'6"
Made a straight Size 4
Alterations: Took 5/8" seam allowance for the bibs (instead of 1/2") as bust measurements were at a size 1, but waist was at a size 4. Straps were also put behind bib.
Fabric: Linen Blend

B/W/H: 34" / 26.5"/ 37.5"
Height: 5'3"
Made a straight Size 4
Alterations: Shortened the straps & widened hem to account for height
Fabric: Upcycled 100% cotton curtain (fairly heavyweight). Added cotton embroidery to one layer of the bib pocket & skirt pockets!

B/W/H: 43" / 37"/ 42"
Made a straight Size 9
Alterations: Made the tie version, but added front pocket
Fabric: Charity sale cotton fabric with a loose weave

B/W/H: 38" / 31"/ 40"
Made a Size 4 Top + 6 Skirt
Alterations: Shortened skirt 5 cm
Fabric: Re-purposed cotton bed sheet dyes with coffee + blue floral cotton scraps for lining.

B/W/H: 32" / 26"/ 35"
Height: 5'2"
Made a Size 3
Alterations: Used 2x hidden snaps instead of buttons for an adjustable waistband for vests in the summer & roll necks in the winter. Sewed a tiny rolled hem at the bottom of the skirt to keep the skirt long!
Fabric: Thrifted soft furnishing fabric with a brushed cotton feel

B/W/H: 36" / 31"/ 40"
Made a Size 7
Alterations: Omitted side buttons
Fabric: Ikat/ linen type fabric

B/W/H: 33" / 29"/ 39"
Made a Size 6
Alterations: Used the size 3 bib
Fabric: Lightweight woven, most likely a cotton lawn

B/W/H: 37" / 31"/ 39"
Made a Size 6
Alterations: Adjusted the waistband
Fabric: Linen

B/W/H: 42" / 36"/ 50"
Made a Size 10
Alterations: Added 9" to skirt for mid-calf length, made front tie longer than the back ties to tie nicely in the back
Fabric: Cotton ticking fabric leftover from costuming days + Lined with musin

B/W/H: 93 cm / 73cm / 108cm
Made a Size 5
Alterations: None
Fabric: Light cotton sateen

B/W/H: 33" / 26,5" / 38.5"
Made a Size 1
Alterations: Ruffle on Strap
Fabric: Flow-y Linen

B/W/H: 33" / 26" / 36.5"
Made a Size 1 Bodice + 3 Waistband and Skirt
Alterations: Used snaps instead of buttons
Fabric: Rifle Paper Co. Burgundy Luxembourg Fabric (Main) + Scraps of Polka dot denim chambray (lining)

B/W/H: 41" / 35" / 41"
Made a Size 8
Alterations: Lengthened skirt 3". Used snap closures and added featherweight boning across top of bib.
Fabric: Lightweight denim with a little stretch + lined with white broadcloth

Made a Size 1 Bib + size 2 Waistband and Skirt
Alterations: Shortened straps 5" and skirt 2". Used pearl metal snaps instead of buttons

B/W/H: 37.5" / 29" / 40"
Height: 5'11"
Made a Size 5
Alterations: None
Fabric: Garment weight cotton from Hart's Fabric

B/W/H: 35.5" / 28.5" / 41.5"
Made a Size 5
Alterations: No skirt pockets. Shortened skirt 2.25". Put buttons on straps instead of bib
Fabric: Double Gauze, color rosewood from Mood Fabrics

B/W/H: 33" / 26.5" / 36.5"
Made a Size 3
Alterations: None
Fabric: Rayon

B/W: 32" / 27"
Height: 5'5"
Made a Size 4
Alterations: Made bib & pockets patchwork style. Made pockets a bit larger to balance patchwork detailing.
Fabric: Pocket & bib fabrics are Ruby Star Society Cotton by Kimberly Knight. Main fabric is from a nonprofit that collects and redistributes creative materials in Austin, Tx called "Austin Creative Rescue"

B/W/H: 36" / 29" / 40"
Height: 5'10"
Made a Size 6, Shoulder Tie Version
Alterations: None (Didn't add pockets because of lack of fabric)
Fabric: Cotton from Paul's Fabrics (Watney Market, London)

B/W/H: 33" / 27" / 37"
Made a Size 4
Alterations: Sewed straps directly to front bib and added a faux button
Fabric: Thrifted mystery linen cotton blend

B/W/H: 33" / 27" / 37"
Made a Size 4
Alterations: None
Fabric: RK Essex Yarn Dyed Linen/ Cotton Blend

B/W/H: 34" / 27" / 37"
Made a Size 4
Alterations: Added poppers instead of buttons
Fabric: Lady McElroy Cotton Lawn

B/W/H: 38" / 32" / 41"
Height: 5'0"
Made a Size 6 Bib + Size 7 Skirt
Alterations: Shortened Skirt, Topstitched entire bib & straps, shortened straps, omitted pockets due to lack of fabric
Fabric: Quilting Cotton; Upcycled previous make that no longer fit

B/W/H: 82 cm / 64 cm / 92 cm
Made a Size 2
Alterations: Added 3 cm to waistband + two seperate placket pieces for side buttons
Fabric: Cotton Velvet

B/W/H: 45" / 42" / 44"
Height: 5'0"
Made a Size 9 Bib & Pockets + Size 14 Waist & Skirt
Alterations: None other than not sewing a straight size
Fabric: Lightweight Cotton Chambray Shirting

B/W/H: 92 cm / 74 cm / 98 cm
Height: 163 cm
Made a Size 4
Alterations: Shortened hem by 6 cm & used button snaps instead of sewing buttonholes
Fabric: Was fabric from Sengal

B/W/H: 41" / 36" / 45"
Made a Size 9
Alterations: None
Fabric: Ankara Fabric

Made a Size 5
Alterations: Added 1.5" to either side of waistband
Fabric: Recycled Curtains!

B/W/H: 32" / 24" / 34"
Made a Size 1
Alterations: Shortened skirt by 1"
Fabric: Cotton Sashiko

B/W/H: 35" / 29" / 37"
Made a Size 5
Alterations: None
Fabric: 100% Linen from JoAnns

B/W/H: 35" / 28.5" / 39"
Height: 5'9" (With fairly long legs rather than long torso)
Made a Size 5
Alterations: Lengthened Skirt to finished length of 26.25" with a nice, deep hem. Made straps and bib removable and removed back bib to have criss-crossed straps!
Fabric:Mysterious light-mid weight Poly-something lined with mid weight cotton

B/W/H: 34" / 25" / 40"
Height: 5'9"
Made a Size 1
Alterations: Shortened hem a little
Fabric: Heavy quilting cotton

B/W/H: 96 cm / 72 cm / 109 cm
Made a Size 5 Skirt + 4 Bib
Alterations: Shortened skirt by 9 cm, made straps 0.5 cm narrower, and used snaps instead of buttons
Fabric: Upcycled skirt from a thrift shop!